

These 2017 Super Bowl Ads Cost Millions Of Dollars To Air

They cost millions for every second they air but with tens of millions of eyeballs glued to Super Bowl screens, there is an audience ready and waiting to watch.

You may think an NFL superstar gets paid a lot for their time of screen but that is nothing when compared to the amount it costs to air a commercial during the Super Bowl.

Costing upwards of $6.5 million for 30-seconds, according to the New York Times, only brands with wheelbarrow loads of cash have the clout to stump up that kind of money. This year’s brands to make that cut include Snickers, Mercedes-Benz, Kia, Heinz and Australian booze brand Yellow Tail Wines.

Check them out below.


John Malkovich helps out Squarespace and we have no idea what the storyline is about. But we do love John.